Start at the cosmic scale when
thinking about some new thing. See what it is and what it
does. Then think about why. Not just why it is or why it does what it
does (or, in someone else's thought process, needs to do what it does),
but what are the underlying factors that determine the rules that describe
what it is and what it does. This thought process will force you to
think into the small-scale. It is the small things that
determine how and why the big things work. Each smaller reason, of
course, has a smaller causative factor, which is in itself another
reason. Smaller and smaller this process will drill down through
layers of reasons until we find that one single reason for all of the Big that we
considered. We continue by discovering the idea encapsulated by the
reson and then the thought which is embodied by the idea, that single
quanta of thought that is at the
root. That is the
Quantumthought. There is no more that is needed. There is no less that can be considered.- |